Welcome to our FAQ page. Here you'll find answers to some common questions about our unique functional mushroom chocolates.

General Questions

  • What are Daybreak Chocolates?
    Daybreak Chocolates are gourmet, functional chocolates made with a blend of seasonal mushrooms, including the renowned Amanita Muscaria, known for its unique properties.
  • Why use seasonal mushrooms?
    Seasonal mushrooms ensure the highest quality and potency. We select the best mushrooms for their distinctive benefits and guaranteed consistency.

Safety and Consumption

  • Are Daybreak Chocolates safe?
    Yes, our chocolates are crafted with meticulous care and rigorously tested. We responsibly use seasonal mushrooms, ensuring it's safe for consumption while focusing on delivering its natural benefits in a delicious form. However, they should not be consumed by children, or individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding, due to the potent nature of the ingredients.
  • How should I consume Daybreak Chocolates?
    Begin with a small amount to understand your body's response. Our chocolates are designed for adult enjoyment and responsible use is crucial for a positive experience. Please consult with a healthcare professional if you have any health concerns or are taking medication before indulging.
  • Click here for a more detailed dosing guide.

Ordering and Shipping

  • How can I order Daybreak Chocolates?
    Visit our website and choose your favorite chocolates. We offer secure online ordering with various payment options. Unfortunately due to state law we are unable to ship to Louisiana at this time.

Have more questions? Contact us at info@shopdaybreak.com.